Mind That Child In Your Care by Dr Omosade Ogundare
By Bunmi Abel | | 0 Comments |
Child mental health is a critical component of a child's overall development. Recognizing and addressing mental health challenges in children early can lead to better outcomes, improved quality of life, and a brighter future for these young individuals. It requires a holistic approach involving families, schools, healthcare professionals, and the broader community to ensure that children have the opportunity to grow and thrive emotionally and psychologically.
Welcome Hope in the Fog
By Bunmi Abel | | 0 Comments |
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals in a myriad of ways, encompassing a spectrum of strengths and challenges. This spectrum ranges from those with severe impairments in communication and social interaction to individuals with exceptional abilities and talents. Understanding the diverse nature of ASD is crucial for fostering inclusivity and providing support to individuals across the spectrum.
Inspire Inclusion for Bedwetters in Boarding School by Temitope Ajayi
By Bunmi Abel | | 0 Comments |
Secondary school can be a challenging time for many students as they navigate the complexities of adolescence and social dynamics. For some, additional challenges such as bedwetting can further compound the stress and anxiety they may already be experiencing. Bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is a common issue that affects a significant number of adolescents, and it's essential to approach this issue with empathy and understanding within the secondary school setting.
National Offer Day is 1st March
By Bunmi Abel | | 20 Comments |
Absolutely, it's a special moment for parents and their children. Congratulations to all parents viewing their child's allocated school today! 🎉 Your support and dedication have led to this achievement. Best wishes for your child's educational journey ahead. 🌟 #secondaryschool #11PlusSuccess #ProudParents
General Health in Boarding School Dispensary or Sick Bay: Your Complete Guide!
By Bunmi Abel | | 0 Comments |
In a boarding school, the sick bay, also known as the dispensary, is a vital facility dedicated to maintaining the health and well-being of students. It provides a range of services, including basic first aid, treatment for common illnesses, medication management, vaccinations, health check-ups, mental health support, and nutrition guidance. The sick bay also plays a crucial role in managing homesickness, offering emotional support, facilitating communication with parents, and organizing group activities to help students adapt to the boarding school environment. To ensure students' safety and health, the sick bay promotes precautions and first aid tips. It also maintains strict confidentiality in handling medical information. For students with specialized medical needs, the school arranges for external care. Parents can visit the dispensary for their child's medical needs, and separate facilities or timings are often provided for boys and girls. Overall, the sick bay in a boarding school is more than just a medical room; it is a sanctuary of health, well-being, and support for students throughout their academic journey.. Explore the ins and outs of the boarding school dispensary or sick bay in this detailed article. From first aid tips to handling homesickness, we've got it all covered!
MFL Ashlawn test results out today 23rd October
By Bunmi Abel | | 6 Comments |
The Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Aptitude Test is a one hour examination that helps predict your child’s aptitude for learning modern foreign languages. The test results will help determine the suitability of your child to study two languages from a choice of French, Spanish and German.
The Importance of Co-Parenting in a Child’s Upbringing by Mrs Fola Sola-Adeniyi
By Bunmi Abel | | 0 Comments |
Co-parenting is a parenting arrangement in which divorced or separated parents collaborate to raise their children together. It involves shared responsibilities, decision-making, and communication to provide children with a stable, supportive, and well-rounded upbringing. Effective co-parenting can help children thrive emotionally, socially, and academically by ensuring consistent care, positive role models, and a secure environment. It also encourages conflict resolution skills and minimizes the negative impact of parental separation on children's well-being.
Exam Results Day by Phinnah Chichi Ikeji
By Bunmi Abel | | 0 Comments |
Experiencing the whirlwind of emotions that comes with your child's exam results can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Whether it's a school test, college entrance exams, or standardized assessments, parents play a pivotal role in helping their children navigate the highs and lows of exam result day. In this article, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to support and guide your child effectively during this critical time.
Financial Intelligence for Youths by Mrs Funke AlomoOluwa
By Bunmi Abel | | 1 Comments |
Financial intelligence is a vital life skill that can set you on the path to financial success and security. Start early, educate yourself, and practice good financial habits. Your future self will thank you for the wisdom and discipline you cultivate today.
Winning in Parenting by Dr Olabisi Killian
By Bunmi Abel | | 2 Comments |
Parenting is one of life's most challenging yet rewarding journeys. Every day, parents face a multitude of decisions, responsibilities, and emotions as they guide their children toward adulthood. While there's no one-size-fits-all formula for parenting success, there are strategies that can help you win at this incredible, lifelong game.